Four Lives from Around the World... Brian Doyle
He explained to us that he was a hunting and fishing guide and that he was on his way to move the rest of his belongings to his new home, then he proceeded to give us a ride to his previous home.
When we entered the driveway, my heart jumped and I got gooseflesh! This was a place that I'd seen in a dream about... I wasn't myself in the dream. I was a big biker guy riding up to the house to purchase some cocaine. I knocked on the door and didn't get an answer. Because I knew the guy who lived there very well, I opened the door and stepped inside. I was greeted by a shotgun blast to the face! I dropped onto the floor and stared at the ceiling. The light in my field of vision closed up like the light on a TV set being turned off... then I woke up... Now here I was, in the flesh, in this very place! I was in that very doorway looking up at the same ceiling and recalling every detail about the dream! I can't explain these déjà vu dreams.
Very strange indeed....and I wonder... how do these things come about?
When we entered the driveway, my heart jumped and I got gooseflesh! This was a place that I'd seen in a dream about... I wasn't myself in the dream. I was a big biker guy riding up to the house to purchase some cocaine. I knocked on the door and didn't get an answer. Because I knew the guy who lived there very well, I opened the door and stepped inside. I was greeted by a shotgun blast to the face! I dropped onto the floor and stared at the ceiling. The light in my field of vision closed up like the light on a TV set being turned off... then I woke up... Now here I was, in the flesh, in this very place! I was in that very doorway looking up at the same ceiling and recalling every detail about the dream! I can't explain these déjà vu dreams.
Very strange indeed....and I wonder... how do these things come about?

Brian Doyle - Third Experience - Dream:
In this dream I was walking on a path when I sighted a white robed figure approaching in the distance. I thought it was Jesus and I froze in my tracks. I felt naked like Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis. I couldn’t face my Lord and savior, so I stood there paralyzed looking down at the ground in shame. As he drew near I finally gazed up and to my relief it wasn't Jesus. It was Paul, the apostle. He informed me, "You're going the wrong way. Turn around." I turned around and Paul walked with me a ways until we came to another path that branched off. "Take the path", he said. Then I came to a fork with 3 paths and I didn't know which way to go. I turned around hoping that Paul was still there, but he had gone. The decision had been left solely to me. After agonizing over which path to take for a small eternity, it suddenly struck me like a bolt of lightning. The middle path! It was right here at this exact location in this picture that I sighted a beautiful golden temple in the distance. As I hurried toward the temple I was starting to wake up... realizing this I consciously pushed myself back into the dream so I could see what awaited me at the temple
In this dream I was walking on a path when I sighted a white robed figure approaching in the distance. I thought it was Jesus and I froze in my tracks. I felt naked like Adam and Eve in the book of Genesis. I couldn’t face my Lord and savior, so I stood there paralyzed looking down at the ground in shame. As he drew near I finally gazed up and to my relief it wasn't Jesus. It was Paul, the apostle. He informed me, "You're going the wrong way. Turn around." I turned around and Paul walked with me a ways until we came to another path that branched off. "Take the path", he said. Then I came to a fork with 3 paths and I didn't know which way to go. I turned around hoping that Paul was still there, but he had gone. The decision had been left solely to me. After agonizing over which path to take for a small eternity, it suddenly struck me like a bolt of lightning. The middle path! It was right here at this exact location in this picture that I sighted a beautiful golden temple in the distance. As I hurried toward the temple I was starting to wake up... realizing this I consciously pushed myself back into the dream so I could see what awaited me at the temple

he clouds then parted (I know, how cliché) and projected onto the hillside below were scenes of various landscapes, mountains, valleys, rivers, oceans, deserts, forests, grasslands, swamps, etc. Then I woke up before making it to the temple....

Brian Doyle - Fourth Experience: Brian Doyle: Later, after meeting this woman by chance after experiencing another déjà vu dream, I entered into a relationship with her, but things went very wrong. I found out that she was a liar, cheater and manipulator... I thought that I had been led here by something that was sacred. How could it turn out so wrong? I went to consult a local monk and ask him what he thought it all meant? He explained that she and I were together in a past life and that I was called back to her to repay a karmic debt!

…but when I told the monk about the temple being at another place in my dream - Toong Bua Thong (field of golden lotus) he told me that the temple WAS at Toong Bua Thong and had been moved to it's present location!
…but when I told the monk about the temple being at another place in my dream - Toong Bua Thong (field of golden lotus) he told me that the temple WAS at Toong Bua Thong and had been moved to it's present location!